The Mayor and City Council shall discuss and take action on approving the addition of the FY24 Street Pavement Preservation Project to the FY24-33 Capital Improvement Plan. Discussion and Action.
The FY24 Street Pavement Preservation Project includes three roadways that are listed as in need of repair to preserve the life of the roadway. Because the City was able to reduce costs on the John Wayne Parkway Mill/Fill project (CIP Project #40149), additional funds are available to further enhance other roadways within the city. The roads that will be enhanced as part of this new project would include:
1. Smith-Enke Road between John Wayne Parkway and Porter Road. Portions of the roadway asphalt would be patched and others would be milled and filled, and a fog seal would be applied to the 1.7 miles.
2. Hartman Road between Maricopa-Casa Grande Highway and Bowlin Road is in poor condition. The existing chip seal is deteriorating in many places. A slurry seal and chip seal would be applied to the 2.7 miles.
3. Maricopa-Casa Grande Highway between Antone Street and Russell Road. A double chip seal would be applied to the 1.9 miles.
The project is recommended to be funded in this fiscal year, FY24, in the amount of $1,555,200, and funds will be taken from the Revenue Bond for this project, with no additional budgetary impacts anticipated.
This item will be presented by Public Works Director Keith Brown.
Staff recommends approval of adding the FY24 Street Pavement Preservation Project into the FY24-33 Capital Improvement Plan.