The Mayor and City Council shall discuss and possibly take action on approving an Extension of License Agreement with Orbitel Communications, L.L.C. for a period of Five (5) Years. Discussion and Action.
On October 19, 2004, the City of Maricopa approved a "License Agreement to Provide Cable Services" with Orbitel Communication, L.L.C. for a period of ten (10) years. To give additional time for negotiation and discussion, Council approved a six month extension of the current agreement. Orbitel requested suggested changes to our License Agreement and changes to our City of Maricopa Cable Television Code.
Based on a detailed analysis by our attorneys of Orbitel's suggested changes and a legal comparison of Maricopa Code to other local cities, staff is recommending moving forward with a Five (5) year extension of the existing agreement maintaining all original terms and conditions.
Staff recommends the approval of this five year license agreement extension with Orbitel Communication, L.L.C.