An Ordinance of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Maricopa, Arizona, adopting "2024 Amendments to Title: 17 Subdivisions and Title: 18 Zoning" by reference to amend Chapters 17.20, 17.30, 18.35, 18.40, 18.80, 18.90, 18.115, 18.120, 18.130, 18.135, 18.140, 18.150 and 18.180 of the Maricopa City Code and providing for severability and the effective date thereof. Discussion and Action.
TXT23-04, 2024 Text Amendment; A request by the City of Maricopa for review and approval of a proposed text amendment to Title 17, Maricopa Subdivision Regulations, and Title 18, Maricopa Zoning Ordinance" as set forth in the exhibits.
This item will be presented by Rick Williams, Planning and Zoning Manager.
Staff recommends Council concur with the Planning and Zoning Commission and approve Case No. TXT23-04.