A Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Maricopa, Arizona, authorizing the City to enter into a Mutual Aid Compact with the signatory political jurisdictions within the State of Arizona and the Arizona Department of Emergency and Military Affairs. Discussion and Action.
The Mayor and City Council shall discuss and possibly take action to approve a resolution adopting the 2024 Arizona Mutual Aid Compact. The primary purpose of the compact is to facilitate rapid, short-term deployment of emergency support prior to, during and after an emergency incident or disaster. A signed agreement does not obligate the provision or receipt of aid. The City of Maricopa shall consider its own service needs and existing commitments within its own jurisdiction prior to providing mutual aid. The City may, by Council resolution, terminate its participation in the compact.
The City of Maricopa entered into the prior 2014 Arizona Emergency Management Mutual Aid Compact which will expire on December 31, 2023.
This item will be presented by Emergency Manager, George Burger.
Staff recommends that the City of Maricopa enter into the new 2024 Arizona Mutual Aid Compact.